About Me

Hello! I am Lorry Cudmore - potter and ceramic artist. I graduated as a mature student from UCLan with a First Class Honours degree in Ceramics in 2010. Since then, I have established my studio here at home in the beautiful Waveney Valley on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. Until 2020, I ran regular weekly classes here in my studio and now I am concentrating on my own work. I am a Selected Member of Anglian Potters and have regularly exhibited my work with them at Ely, Norwich, Cambridge, Walberswick and Pakefield.

Prior to becoming a full time ceramic artist, I graduated as an Art teacher from Dartington College of Arts and Rolle College, Exmouth. I have been a free-lance artist, art teacher and hospitality and entertainment business business director before becoming a full-time ceramicist in 2010. I live on the outskirts of Bungay, Suffolk with my artist husband and work from my studio there.